Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Best EVER Cinnamon Rolls

I will now quote my daughter's statement when she took the first bite, "Mommy, it's like these fell from heaven...uuummmmm....they're so good!" Now if that's not a rave review, I don't know what is.

Cinnamon rolls and apple fritters are my favorite doughnuts on Sunday morning. I've been wanting to make some homemade from scratch cinnamon rolls for a while. My hubby wasn't feeling well Sunday morning and slept later than usual. My girls woke up hungry and wanted Daddy to go get some doughnuts. So I thought this would be a great chance to test out my yeast dough skills once again. It was much easier than waking up my sleeping cranky bear of a husband to watch our kids, taking a shower, and going to the doughnut shop myself.

This is a recipe I got from Paula Deen on Food Network. I remember watching her make them outside for her Riverside Party. If she can make them outside, I should definitely be able to tackle these inside my own kitchen. I used Rapid Rise yeast so they would be edible much faster. My kids kept asking me, "Are they ready yet Mommy? How much longer? I'm hungry." Can you imagine if I used the normal yeast that takes over 2 hours total rise time?

My family definitely enjoyed them. We all ate 2 each, and my 7 year old ate 3! Then my kids fought over who would eat the last 2 later in the day.  I hope you enjoy these as much as we did. I will be making these again for Christmas morning, if not sooner!


1/4 ounce packet Rapid Rise yeast
1/2 C warm water
1 tsp sugar
1/2 C scalded milk
1/4 C white sugar
1/3 C butter, melted
1 tsp salt
1 egg
4 C all purpose flour

1/2 C butter, softened
3/4 C white sugar
2 T cinnamon

1 1/2 C powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla
3-4 T milk

Preheat oven to 170 degrees.

In a small bowl, dissolve yeast in warm water with 1 tsp sugar and set aside. In a large stand mixer bowl with a dough hook attachment, mix together scaled milk, sugar, melted butter, salt, and egg. Add 2 cups of flour and mix until smooth. Add yeast mixture. Add in remaining flour and mix for 5-7 minutes to knead dough until smooth and elastic. Form dough into ball and place in glass bowl sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Cover with towel and put in oven. Turn off oven as you just want for it to stay warm to help the dough rise faster. Let rise in oven until doubled in size, about 30 minutes.

When doubled in size, punch down dough. Roll out on a floured surface into a 15 by 9-inch rectangle. Spread softened butter all over dough. Mix sugar and cinnamon and sprinkle over buttered dough. Beginning at the 15-inch side roll up dough and pinch edge together to seal.  I'm working quickly as my hungry kids watch  and drool while very patiently waiting. 

Cut into 12 to 15 slices.  I got 13 rolls.

Turn the oven back on to 170 degrees. Coat the bottom of baking pan with butter and sprinkle with sugar. Place cinnamon roll slices slightly close together in the pan, cover with towel, and place in oven to rise until dough is doubled, about 30 minutes.

After the rolls have risen and are all touching, remove the towel. 

Increase the oven temperature to 350 degrees and bake for 15-18 minutes, or until golden brown on top.

While the cinnamon rolls are baking, you can make the icing/glaze. In a bowl, mix together the powdered sugar, vanilla, and 3 T of milk. Add more milk as needed until the glaze reaches desired consistency. Spread over warm cinnamon rolls and serve. I always serve some of the icing on the side since some of us really like it on thick. Enjoy!

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  1. Hi Rhondi,

    These look so scrumptious! Cinnamon rolls are one of my favorite sweet buns, I could never get sick on them.

  2. I agree with your daughter...they do look like they came from heaven. I wish I had one with my morning coffee. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Miz Helen

  3. Oh my gosh, a Paula Deen recipe? Say no more. I know it's gotta be good. I think she would wholeheartedly approve of how your rolls turned out. Thanks for following me.

  4. They look great! I love cinnamon rolls - I only really discovered them last year (they're not a big thing here in England) but can't get enough of them :)

    Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  5. Oh my gosh, look at all that yummy frosting! And I'm with Lisa. Paula Deen? They have to be good. These will be made at my house on Christmas morning too. If not sooner.............

  6. Oh my goodness, they sound amazing...I'm drooling all over my keyboard! NOM! Cinnamon rolls are sure to be a hit in our house, too. Thanks so much for sharing these w/ the hearth and soul hop this week :D

  7. you have guts girl--trying out a yeast recipe for the first time with a slew of kids at your heels! these look yummy...gotta love that paula deen! thank you for sharing this great story and recipe with tuesday night supper club

  8. Those look amazing! Visiting from TMTT!

  9. Cinnamon rolls are on my to-do list. Lots of icing on your rolls, must be yummy!

  10. I am drooling also - your cinnamon rolls look amazing!! It would be a great treat for Christmas morning - thanks for sharing this with the Hearth and Soul Hop!


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